Thursday, April 8, 2010

TAPS takes the white house

What would it be like if the TAPS team took over the white house? Well, this is what it would look like.

Jason Hawes- President
Grant Wilson- Vie President
Kris Williams- Secretary of the State
Steve- Sec. of Defense(against all threats xcept for the spiders)
Amy- House speaker(watch out Polasey)
Tango- hmm. Well i gusse someone has to kill the spiders?!?!
The GHI team- they can each pick a country and be Embasaders.
I know what you are all thinking. If the taps team was in charge of this country we wud all die. But ur wrong. This country would like totally rock! imagine it. Every high school would have to teach a "how to debunk 101" to all it's students. And instead of learning how to use a sniper rifel we wud all be learning how to use a full spectrum camera and a thermal imaging camer. And instead of learning to sing we wud all be learning how to conduct and evp session. And lets not forget Joshua Gates. Now he really isn't a member of taps but he is pretty frigging awesome. Now let's see, he needs a job too.
His job would be to teach children how to find bizare creatures and how to chase them. He was also be teaching how us how to conduct a tour in japan and how to buy the awesome-est fireworks in the world and wear panda hats.
i, once again, know what you are all thinking. She has finally gone crazy. But i am totally series. This is what the united states would be like if TAPS took over the white house. This country would be so awesome!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why are MOMS on facebook????

First off i have to say that my mom inspired this blog post so most of the time im just gonna rag on her.. so ya! thanks mom!

Why are moms on facebook? Is it to spy on their kids? or just to make us all feel paranoid? who really knows. But here is what i think. I think moms do it just to feel young. Cause lets face it, most kids my age have old moms. Im not saying that 39 is old... oh wait... yes i am!
Anyways, i think its kinda weird to have my mom know what im always doing on facebook but i know that she does it to protect me... or she finds great joy in teasing me with it. I think it's kinda funny how moms think it makes them "cool" and dare i say it "groovey" to be on facebook. but nothing is "groovey" about having like 5 friends (yes im talking about my own mother.) The numbers might very from mom to mom depending on how well they get along with their childrens friends (even though we all know the own reason we add moms is cuz we feel like we have to or we might get in trouble ;D) So this bring me back to the real question, why do our mothers feel the need to be on facebook?? I dont really know the answer to this one. all i know is that as long as they don't ivade my persanol life i really don't care.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

twilight fan craze

Twilight? Not long ago if you even just mentioned the word i would freak out and get all excited. These days not so much. Sure i still love the characters and the movies are getting better. But what is twilight? To most people its a love story that everyone wants but that no one can have. And im going to say it.... EDWARD IS NOT REAL! I know that it's a harsh thing to say but it needs to be said. whether you love jacob or edward people need to realize that they are book characters. Sure there can be a person who seems as perfect as edward does or maybe even someone as loyal of a friend as jacob. But that doesn't mean everygirl is going to find them. I guess for each person it's different.
Twilight has gotten way too out of hand lately. At first it was an incredible book that girls just couldn't seem to get enough of. And now look! there are underwear with jacob blacks face on it! i mean seriously people! He is a dog! Anyways, like i was saying, Twilight is getting way too out of hand. There are people going to see the movies only because its what everyone else is doing. People that i know who didn't even like vampires are going to see the movies. I mean ya it's more than just a vampire story. Its way more than that. It's a complicated love story with intriging story lines and very complex stories behind each character.
I know that pretty much every girl who reads this is going to hate me but i really don't care. These things need to be said. And don't get me started on this "war" between harry potter and twilight. There really is no comparing the two. Even though i am a big fan of the twilight saga i think harry potter is better. Its a more complex story behind all the characters and story line. Twilight will never be as big as harry potter. For one harry potter has 7 books and 8 movies and twilight only has 4 books and 5 movies. Plus harry potter has a theme park. I do not think that twilight will ever have it's own theme park.
( That could just be the lack of sleep talking)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The earth the sun and the moon.

Some scientists believe that the earth the sun and the moon were all created at the same time. they also believe in evalution. but they are all wrong. The theory or evalution is easy to disprove, for if it happened in the past wouldn't it sill be happening today? if monkeys at some point in time were changing into humans they would sill be changing even today. And the missing link? there is a reason why they call it the "missing" link, cause its MISSING!
One way to disprove the theory about the earth the sun and the moon is simply that there is no proof. no one knows how old the sun is because there is no way to get samples of the sun. You would die! Second, in the scriptures it says that god created the earth, he then said let there be light and so it was. It then states that he made two stars. The greater of the starts would rule the day(the sun) and the lesser would rule the night(the moon). So there for they could not have all three been created at the same time.
Now some people might want to say that this still is not proof. And to i have so say how do you know that? How do you know that this is not the truth? Exactly , you don't know that this isn't true. Its the same as the "THEORY" of the big bang and the "THEORY" of evalution. You can not tell me that i am wrong because i have more proof than the "scientist " in this world will ever have. I will stand by this statement 100% against any one who wants to tell me that im wrong. Because until you can prove to me that i am wrong then you can keep your mouths shut. now im not saying that i don't want a good argument cause i do. will argue with you until your hearts content because i know that what i have said is the truth and i know that what you think is wrong.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock. Who is she? Is she just another girl who got lucky and became famous? Or is she someone who was destined to be on the screen? I think that most people see her as only a movie star who does really great films. But in all reality thats not all that she is. She's a mother, a friend, and a wife who goes through everyday life just like the rest of us. She has her times in life when she doesn't know what to do and she even makes mistakes. Recently something terrible has happened in her life. And i think that everyone needs to just leave her and her family alone and let them get through this hard time by themsleves. Her and her family need time to figure things out and think about what they are going to do. Think about it this way, what if it was you? What if you had no privacy at all and you always had people looking into your persanol life? And what if everyone had an opinion on what you should do? What you would you do?

All though it is kinda weird that she had just vanished on everyone but I think she has done what is best for her. She needs to be out of the public eye for a while and needs to protect herself from everyone around her that is trying to tell her what to do. She also needs to do what is best for her family. I don't know if she will stay with her husband or leave him. But whatever she does is her choice and no else can make it for her. Only she can make the choice. And knowing her she will do what's best for her and her family and children. And she wont let anyone control her.